- message of the day
- - Welcome to the HybridIRC IRC Network
- - Providing free chat services to the online community
- -
- - Server Information:
- - Server Hostname: (IPv4 and IPv6 are supported)
- - Plaintext Ports: 6660-​6669, 7000
- - TLS (SSL) Ports: 6697 (Let's Encrypt Certificates)
- -
- - Webchat:
- - Email:
- -
- - An HTTPS-Only web IRC clients are available at:
- - Kiwi IRC:
- - The Lounge:
- - gamja:
- -
- - WebSocket:
- - wss://
- -
- - Tor Onion Service:
- - MapAddress xtciv7bmnkb5afqsryowaejcerqmajsginkhkgtq6heiehu2ig7gdkid.onion
- -
- - Network Channels:
- - #HybridIRC - Public development and testing discussion channel
- - #Help - Help channel for HybridIRC and IRC-​related issues
- - #lobby - Main hangout, social community chat channel
- -
- - Disclaimer:
- - By connecting to this server you agree to be bound by the terms put forth in
- - HybridIRC's Acceptable Use Policy located at:
- -
- - If you do not agree to our policies or break the rules deliberately then we
- - will deny you access to this server and/or services. Remember that access is
- - a privilege and not a right. If you disagree, please disconnect now.
- -
- - Warning:
- - Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an unmoderated medium. HybridIRC takes no
- - responsibility and explicitly disclaims all liability for the content
- - of any text or materials which pass through this network or the results
- - of running any commands while using these services. We reserve all rights
- - to deny access to this server to any user, host or domain without warning
- - or explanation.
- -
- - Attention:
- - This server runs an open proxy monitor and scans all clients for open proxies
- - upon connection to the network. This scan does not affect your system in any
- - way. It verifies that you are using a secured connection. If your connection
- - is insecure, you will be removed from the network and given information on
- - how to secure it. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our users
- - but internal security depends on it.
- -
- - For more information, please visit:
- -
- - Enjoy your stay on HybridIRC!