Linking To Us

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Network Linking Policy

  • Hardlinking:

    We do not permit hardlinking (sharing resources under one configuration) with external networks. This policy is unlikely to change in the future.

  • PyLink:

    Networks may use their own PyLink (Python package to link channels) to connect to specific channels on our network, provided they adhere to our network policies. Channels must not already be registered or owned by any other user. Additionally, networks must obtain authorization from the channel founder before establishing the PyLink connection to an existing channel.

  • Janus:

    We do not support Janus Links (linking channels between servers) due to its unreliable nature. This policy is unlikely to change in the future.

  • Alternative Proposals:

    While hardlinking and Janus linking are restricted, we are open to alternative proposals. If you have strategies to engage your website users with us, please reach out, and we will strive to accommodate your needs.


  • Can my staff/users merge their nicknames?

    Each staff member and user can individually register their nicknames. We permit one account per email address, with the ability to group up to four additional nicknames (for a total of five) using the /ns group command. Should additional nicknames be necessary under one email address, please contact us for assistance. While merging databases is not feasible due to constraints related to resources, data protection, and compatibility issues, we support individual registrations and email validations. The nickname expiration period is 365 days if not identified within that time.

  • How can I register a channel?

    To register a channel, join the desired channel and enter: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #channel. The channel expiration period is 365 days if the channel becomes empty in that time. You can designate up to four additional staff members as founders (a total of five founders per channel), with a successor who will inherit the channel in case the channel founder's nickname expires or is dropped.

  • How many entries can I have for my channel?

    The maximum number of entries allowed in a channel access list is unlimited. This applies to users who can hold access in your channel, including those on your auto-kick (AKick) list. We have not set a cap for this and are unlikely to do so in the future, as we believe in providing flexibility for effectively managing your channel's access list.

  • What guidelines should I follow for channel naming?

    Channel names must comply with our network guidelines, avoiding any offensive or inappropriate language. For detailed naming policies, please review our Terms of Service.

  • Can my staff use vHosts like staff.domain?

    We are open to discussions regarding the use of custom vHosts for your staff. Any concerns or implications will be carefully addressed in consultation with network staff.

  • Can I have a clone limit set for specific IPs?

    If you require a higher clone limit for specific IPs, please inform us. The default clone limit is set to 10.

  • Do I have to use custom records?

    You can continue using your current records, but you may need to delete CNAME and Nameserver registrations completely and create an A record for "irc A". Additionally, you can configure your server to point to our network. This way, when a user connects to your server (e.g., /server, they will automatically be redirected to our network.

  • What website applet can I use?

    We recommend KiwiIRC for hiding joins/parts/quits or our webchat link. Depending on your client base, The Lounge or Mibbit are also good options. To embed using an iframe, use:

    <iframe src="" allow="camera; microphone; display-capture; fullscreen" style="border: 1px solid silver; width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

    More information can be found at HybridIRC Embedding.

  • Do you charge for the services?

    Our services are provided entirely free of charge. When considering the cumulative expenses for software, IRCd, hosting, traffic bandwidth, setup, storage, RAM, and operating systems, the overall cost can be significant. However, we do not impose any fees when you move your network to our platform.

  • Do you provide ZNCs/bouncers?

    Although we do not directly offer ZNCs/bouncers, we have partnered with IRCNow to provide users with free bouncers. To get started, please join #ircnow and follow the instructions provided in the channel's topic.

  • Do you provide channel stats?

    We offer channel stats services upon request. If your channel requires stats displayed on our website, you can request this service. Visit for more details. Alternatively, you can use your own stats system if preferred.

  • What modules and software do you use?

    We operate on InspIRCd and AthemeIRC services, which we consider the best available. These platforms are regularly updated, and changes are rigorously tested on beta servers before implementation.

  • Can I use scripts/bots or channel modes to prevent floods?

    You can use custom scripts/bots to set up channel protection or utilize the IRCd's anti-flood modes. You can configure a flood limit to automatically kick or ban users who exceed a specified number of lines within a given time frame. Additionally, you can use repeat mode to block, kick, or ban users who repeat messages excessively within a set period. For more information, visit our Channel Modes Help page.

  • How do I manage channel access and permissions?

    You can manage channel access and permissions using ChanServ commands. For example, /msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel displays current access flags, while /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel ADD nick level grants specific permissions to a user. Visit HybridIRC Services for detailed information on setting up SOP/AOP/VOP and special access flags.

  • How can I request additional bot services for my channel?

    We provide network bots to assist with channel management. These bots are available at /msg botserv botlist and can be customized to meet specific needs, such as custom naming conventions. If you require a custom bot name, please contact us for assistance.

  • Can I link my channel with bots or external services?

    You can link your channel with approved bots or external services. Ensure they comply with our network policies to maintain channel security and integrity.

  • Where can I find more information about network policies and rules?

    For comprehensive guidelines on channel management, user conduct, and network administration, visit our Network Policies page.

  • How can I make my website more accessible to mobile/tablet devices?

    Mobile and tablet accessibility is crucial for reaching a wider audience. Here are some tips:

  • Responsive Design: Use CSS media queries to ensure your website adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Touch-friendly Elements: Ensure buttons and links are large enough and have enough spacing to be easily tapped on touchscreens.
  • Font Size and Contrast: Use legible fonts and maintain sufficient contrast between text and background colors.
  • Optimized Images: Use responsive images and consider lazy loading to improve loading times on mobile devices.
  • Accessibility Testing: Test your website using mobile emulators and real devices to ensure usability across various platforms.
By focusing on these aspects, you can enhance the user experience on mobile and tablet devices, making your website more accessible and user-friendly.

For a more detailed guide on setting up responsive design and ensuring mobile compatibility, consider the following HTML structure:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<title>Your Website Title</title>
<!-- Additional meta tags, stylesheets, and scripts as needed -->
<!-- Your website content here -->

  • How long do you plan to keep the network open?

    We are fully committed to maintaining the network's availability and stability well into the future. Our dedication stems from a strong belief in providing a reliable platform for our users. At present, we have no plans to close the network in the foreseeable future, and we continually invest in its infrastructure to ensure longevity and robustness.

  • About Us:

    HybridIRC is a distinguished network dedicated to providing IRC services to a diverse community of users. Our experienced network staff collectively possess over 80 years of IRC knowledge, ensuring expertise and reliability in managing our services. Even though we opened our network to users in 2015, we have quickly established ourselves as a reliable platform for IRC communication. For more information about our network staff, please visit our network staff page. Explore our about us page to gain a deeper understanding of our mission and values.

  • If you have a general question, you can reach us in the #help channel or email us directly at: For a prompt and effective response within 48 hours, please provide detailed information in your message.