DEL is used to delete informational messages that you no longer want users to see on connect. This will not allow you to delete oper InfoServ messages.
Syntax: DEL <id>
/msg InfoServ DEL 1
LIST allows you to view all informational messages in the database. These messages will also be sent to all users on connect.
Syntax: LIST
/msg InfoServ LIST
ODEL is used to delete informational messages that you no longer want opers to see upon oper-up. This will not allow you to delete user InfoServ messages.
Syntax: ODEL <id>
/msg InfoServ ODEL 1
LIST allows you to view all oper informational messages in the database. These messages will also be sent to all opers upon oper-up. This command will not list user informational messages, use LIST for that.
Syntax: OLIST
/msg InfoServ OLIST
POST allows you to post one-time messages to all users (that will be sent when you run the command) or messages that all users will see upon connect or messages only opers will see when they oper-up.
Underscores ("_") in the subject will be replaced by spaces.
Importance defines the type of message that will be sent.
0 - Only display to opers upon oper-up.
1 - Only display to users upon connect.
2 - Send a notice to all users now.
3 - Display message to all users upon connect AND send a notice to
all users now.
4 - Send a privmsg/query to all users now. It is important to note that this
may annoy users and should only be used when absolutely necessary.
Syntax: POST <importance> <subject> <message>
/msg InfoServ POST 2 Info1 Some important information for users.
/msg InfoServ POST 1 Multi_Word_Subject Some more information.